Establish Dudley Road Bungalows as a respected renovator, remodeler and general contractor in Lexington, KY.
Build a dynamic and profitable enterprise that creatively improves buildings, adds value to Lexington’s beautiful neighborhoods and sets a benchmark for sensitive, high-quality remodels, renovations and new construction in the spirit of Bungalows and Arts & Crafts inspired structures.
When Brad Hawkins’ general contractor failed to finish his residential renovation in a historic neighborhood of Lexington, Kentucky, Brad (former street gang prosecutor) finished the project with the help of an experienced craftsman. The renovated Bungalow, whose design was inspired by Sarah Susanka’s book The Not So Big House, received rave reviews and was later featured in local and national publications.
After the dust settled, Brad formed Dudley Road Bungalows, LLC and purchased a second Bungalow at auction with the idea that in his “spare” time he would restore the home and sell it. One year and innumerable nights and weekends later, Dudley Road Bungalows sold its first project.
Nearly two decades later, Dudley Road Bungalows is a highly respected general contractor that utilizes sensitive designs, remodels and renovates with high-quality, natural materials, and works every day with passionate attention to detail. The objective is to finish projects with timeless quality, in a way that enhances their neighborhoods and makes a positive difference on the owners’ quality of life.